Составьте слово из заданных гласных букв,согласные используйте любые 1)о,о,о,и 2)о,е,и,е 3)о,а,о,о тема многообразие и развитие растительного мира заранее
Write short instructions about how to plant a garden of your own. Use the "instruction" phrases. Here are some ideas: Think of what plants you want to see in your garden. Draw a plan of your garden. Prepare the seeds or young plants. Put them in the soil. Water regularly, Keep your garden tidy, Enjoy your garden.
Задай вопрос из школьного предмета
1 - 4 классы Английский язык 5+3 б
Write short instructions about how to plant a garden of your own. Use the "instruction" phrases. Here are some ideas: Think of what plants you want to see in your garden. Draw a plan of your garden. Prepare the seeds or young plants. Put them in the soil. Water regularly, Keep your garden tidy, Enjoy your garden.