Знатоки , молю вас о . выберете правильную форму глагола-сказуемого, и переведите предложение на язык 1. it was raining/rained hard this morning when i was waking/woke up. 2. i was writing/wrote a letter to my italian penfriend last night. 3. he was completely out of breath as he ran/had run all the way to the station. 4. the children were in high spirits as they just finished/had just finished their exams.
ночью я написала письмо моему итальянскому другу по переписке.
He was completely out of breath as had run all the way to the station.
Он запыхался,так как всю дорогу до вокзала(станции) он бежал.
4. The children were in high spirits as they had just finished their exams. Дети были на седьмом небе от счастья( в приподнятом настроении),так как они только что сдали экзамены.