Животный мир австралии по примерно 7 предложений

Gklunnyy123 Gklunnyy123    2   29.07.2019 23:40    0

литературщик литературщик  14.08.2020 01:24

The Animals of Australia  

There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else. Did you know that? Of course, you did! I personally divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the ugly. I think, it's reasonable.

Talking of the good animals, we should mention kangaroos in the first place.

There are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres tall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Some run from you then stop and stare. Though we have put kangaroos in the «Good» category, farmers might disagree.

Wombats and koalas have many similarities and are probably related. Both have pockets inside their mouths to store food and neither has a tail. The number of koalas is getting smaller. This is partly because of fumes from bush fires. Rescue teams help the koalas by catching them, putting them on respirators, then returning them to their original location when they are better. Australia also has a lot of native marsupial mice that live in the desert. Many of these only come out at night.

You know, there are many animals that are «unpopular» in Australia including spiders which are dangerous. You can find these in Sydney. If they are hungry, they will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison. Luckily, there is an antidote if you can get to hospital quickly. There have been 12 deaths since 1927.

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