, желательно чтобы всё было ясно и понятно Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и форме (времена групп Indefinite (Simple), Continuous, Perfect).
At the time I first (meet) Mr. Alien in 1990, he (consider) the possibility of studying foreign languages again. He (forget) every-thing that he (learn) about Latin and French at school. The lan-guages that he (want) (learn) at that time (be) Spanish and Portuguese. He (to be going) to study those languages in the De-partment of General Education at New York University. There-fore, he (enrol) that school in 1991.
After my friend (finish) studying at New York University he (decide) go to South America for a year. Because he (be, never) there before, he (enjoy) visiting the famous cities of Brazil and Ar-gentina. He liked Sao Paulo so much that he (consider) staying there much longer. Before that time he (hope, always) to find a place with an ideal climate. Therefore, Sao Paulo (seem) to be a real paradise (рай). However, he (spend) all his money and (to be forced) to return.
Now my friend Mr. Alien (plan) (visit) France next year. He (leave) for Paris on March 15. Mr. Alien (visit) also Germany on the same trip. He realizes that he must (learn) French and German before he (go) to Europe. At present he (take) a course in French in preparation for the trip. He (think) that French (be) quite easy. Of course he (be, never) in France before, so he (have) little opportu¬nity to hear French. He (work) very hard at his French every day. He (study) German at New York University next semester. I am sure that he (have) no language problem in the other countries when he (get) there. Many people in those countries (understand) English or French.

Упражнение 2. Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.
it is true; compared to; to be of importance; a lot of; to be inte-rested in; like; a step forward; at the right time; direct to; to put into memory.
интересоваться; иметь значение; по сравнению с; ввести в память; шаг вперед; как, подобно; верно (правильно); в нуж-ное время; много; непосредственно на.

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