Заранее Поставьте следующие предложения в время (Past Simple), запишите утвердительное, отрицательное и вопросительные предложения. См. образец.
Example: Mary comes early.
+ Mary came early yesterday.
- Mary didn’t come early yesterday.
? (общий) Did Mary come early yesterday? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
? (cпециальный, с вопросительным словом) Why did Mary come early yesterday?

1. The cat catches the fish in the river.
2. The dog eats its dinner.
3. The boys go for a holiday.
4. Ri¬chard knows George.
5. The plane flies very high

studentASH studentASH    3   24.10.2020 14:38    9

MASCAM MASCAM  23.11.2020 14:40

1 yesterday cat cached the fish in the river

yesterday cat didn't catch the fish in the river

did cat catch the fish in the river yesterday?

2 yesterday dog ate dinner

yesterday dog didn't eat dinner

did dog eat dinneryesterday

3 yesterday the boys went for holiday

yesterday theboys didn't go for holyday

did the boys go for holiday yesterday

4 richard knew george yesterday

richard didn'tknow george yesterday

did richard know george yesterday

5 yesterday the plane flew veryhigh

yesterday the plane didn't fly very high

did the plane fly very high yesterday