Заповнити пропуски прийменниками 1.My father usually looks_ newspaper_the morning.
2.The girl looked_ the window.
3.He likes to write_ a pencil.
4.I shall be busy_mine _one.
5.The temperature was 5 degress_zero.
6.He will be home_two and three.
7.She knew many poems_heart.
8.Shakespeare's name in know the wirld.
9.Sam accused_robbery.
10.I insist_ entering the Philosophy faculty.
11.What are you looking_?
12.What country do you come_?
13.Whom do you wish to speak_?
14.What magazine are you looking_?
15.What are you going to use money_?
16.Whom are you speaking_?
17.What room do we have our lessons_?
18.The book we were speaking_was written_ a young author.
19.The room he lives_ is very small.
20.It was Mary I had waited so long _
21.I know the person you must deal_
22.It was Linda he borrowed the money_
23.The students have been here _the beginning of the semester.
24._the first time_his life he didn't argue about anything.
25._school we learn literature languages,math and so_.
26.His name is know_the world.
27.I saw it _ my own eyes.
28. All their attempts we're _vain.
29.John is not _ at the moment.