Заполните текст о поиске работы за рубежом словами из коробки

ladder/ recruitment / placement/ candidates/ process/ subject/ shortlisted/ cover/ attend / foreign

when you graduate from university, many of you may feel that your degree (1) _ really prepared you to make the first step onto the career ( . a work ( abroad can be a great solution, offering you the chance to combine hands-on work experience with the adventure of(.a word of advice: once you've chosen where you want to look for work, it's a good idea to find out about the application (5) _ for example, you need to know whether to send a ( with your cv. it's also good to know how many interviews you will be invited to ( if you are fortunate enough to be one of the (8) be ( . alternatively, you could use an international(10) _ agency, who will help you with all these things as well as informing you what jobs are available internationally.

dvinogradova20 dvinogradova20    3   03.01.2020 18:41    5

miloft miloft  10.10.2020 23:48

1) subject

2) ladder

3) placement

4) foreign

5) process

6) cover

7) attend

8) candidates

9) shortlisted

10) recruitment

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