Заполните пропуски в тексте словами: balance, injury, shape, treatment, following, activity, benefits, exercising, heart, illnesses, lungs, muscles, injuries

Help yourself to stay healthy
Doctors are useful. If you've had a/an 1) while doing sport, they can fix it. If you're ill, they can tell you what the best 2) is.
But in addition to what doctors do, there are things that you can do yourself in the fight against ill health. Physical 3) is very important for the health and will help you to stay in 4) . Keeping fit and healthy means 5) regularly, preferably every day. But it doesn’t have to be a difficult sport for you to feel the 6) . Anything that involves moving around, like cleaning the house, can help. The faster we do things, the better it is. This is because it makes the 7) beat faster and, as we breathe more deeply, it helps the 8) too. People who look after their bodies in this way are less likely to suffer from 9) , such as colds and flu. In addition, as they get stronger, they are less likely to have 10) like broken bones or damaged 11) .
12) a healthy diet will also keep you strong. A healthy diet is all about 13) . It doesn’t mean never eating chocolate. It means not eating too much. And eating vegetables, too! The more we can look after ourselves, the less well need doctors to look after us. And that must be good!

magamedgalaev9 magamedgalaev9    2   07.02.2022 14:53    47

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