Заполните пропуски в предложениях формами глагола to be. 1)this my sister.she my best friend. 2)i from perm. where you from? you british or russian? 4)where their books? -they in their bags. 5)who in the room? -peter 6)we on holidays. this our address. используйте эти слова и выражения и составьте из них диалог. oh! thank you very much! i'm fine. i'm ok. how are you? not at all. thank you. and how are you? hi,kate! here is a little present for you.

угуртунджай угуртунджай    1   24.05.2019 03:40    2

Kinder1644 Kinder1644  19.06.2020 23:24
1. is, is
2. am, are
3. are
4. are, are
5. is, is (не уверена)
6. are, is

-Hi, Kate! How are you?
-I'm OK. And how are you?
- I'm fine. Thank you. Here is a little present for you.
-Oh! Thank you very much!
- Not at all.
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