Заполните пропуски в диалогах ниже используя фразы из таблицы. Запишите диалоги в тетради • How much will it cost me?

• Take a left on the street corner

• and drive straight.

• the traffic might be bad at this time of day.

• Cross the street to the other side

• and walk two blocks.

• You should take a bus.

• Can you get a cab for me, please?

• They all run downtown from here.

• it’s about a five-minute drive.

• Which way is the train station?

1. — Hello! How do I get downtown from here?

— The bus-stop is just around the corner.

— What is the number of the bus?

— You can take any bus.

— Thank you.

— Anytime!

2. — Excuse me! Is there a gas station around here, please?

— The gas station will be to your right.

— Is it far from here?

— No,

3. — Hello! ?

— Where do you want to go?

— I need to go to the City Fair ?

— Usually it’s around 15 or 18 dollars. But the truth is

You should take a train.

— OK. ?

— Take a right and walk until the crossroads. …………………….

You will be right there.

denis1120 denis1120    3   03.11.2021 18:41    18

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