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Thank you for inviting me here today to make this presentation about the future of our natural energy reserves. I know some of you will already be familiar with the complex nature of this subject and I hope you forgive me for trying to deal with it in only 45 minutes.
If we look back to twenty years ago I can recall how confident people were that nuclear energy provide the ultimate energy source and I don’t think that anyone at that time possibly imagine the impact that the accident at Chernobyl have on our confidence in that industry. While the nuclear industry still hold out some hope for a nuclear-powered future – this time in the form of nuclear fusion – it now looks like it be some time before the necessary technologies are in place for it to succeed. Indeed some skeptics even go as far as to say that never be the case! So from a world of confidence we now face the uncomfortable facts: fossil fuels are finite resources and while they be sufficient to carry our economies through the next few decades, there is no doubt that beyond that horizon new sources of energy have to be developed in order to sustain our current economic model.