Заполните пропуски словами, выделенными курсивом: money, value, purchase, investments, evaluated, priced comparing like comparing apples and oranges, can be a difficult task. how can an investment in japanese stocks be compared to impressionist pictures? just as an apple or an orange can to its weight, an international investment can to its total return, the total increase in value plus ant dividends or other payments. in this way, all investment instruments can be compared and evaluated by yield: their percentage increase a given period of time. inflation also has to be considered. money is worth only what it will buy in goods and services. if prices its value.

оалклклкл оалклклкл    1   12.08.2019 20:00    7

Аллюрорка Аллюрорка  04.10.2020 14:10
1. investments
2. purchase
3. priced
4. evaluated
5. value
6. money
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