Заполните пропуски предлогами и перескажите текст: AN ABSENT-MINDED WRITER
Mr. Smith, a well-known writer, went to the booking-office and bought a
single ticket e-the 7 o'clock express in Manchester. The booking-office clerk told
him that the train was due to arrive ... Manchester ... 9 o'clock the next morning...
the evening Mr. Smith came ... the railway station ... taxi. As he came ... the station
... ten minutes ... seven and was afraid to miss the train he hurried ... his carriage.
When he got.. the train and found his compartment he put bis suit-case ... the
luggage-rack and sat down to read a magazine. The train was going very fast. After
it had passed two or three stops a ticket-collector came to collect the tickets. Mr.
Smith couldn't find his ticket. As some ... the passengers told the ticket-collector
that Mr. Smith was a well-known writer the ticket-collector said ... him: "That's
all right, sir. I know you've got a ticket.” “But I must find it. I must know where
I'm going ...," was the reply.

tabita5r tabita5r    2   06.06.2021 20:26    335

motorindmitry12 motorindmitry12  17.01.2024 04:14
Mr. Smith, a well-known writer, went to the booking-office and bought a single ticket for the 7 o'clock express to Manchester. The booking-office clerk told him that the train was due to arrive at Manchester at 9 o'clock the next morning. In the evening, Mr. Smith came to the railway station in a taxi. As he came to the station ten minutes before seven and was afraid to miss the train, he hurried to his carriage. When he got on the train and found his compartment, he put his suit-case on the luggage-rack and sat down to read a magazine. The train was going very fast. After it had passed two or three stops, a ticket-collector came to collect the tickets. Mr. Smith couldn't find his ticket. As some of the passengers told the ticket-collector that Mr. Smith was a well-known writer, the ticket-collector said to him: "That's all right, sir. I know you've got a ticket." "But I must find it. I must know where I'm going," was the reply.

Мистер Смит, известный писатель, пошел в билетную кассу и купил один билет на экспресс поезда на семь часов в Манчестер. Сотрудник билетной кассы сообщил ему, что поезд должен был прибыть в Манчестер в девять часов следующего утра. Вечером мистер Смит приехал на железнодорожную станцию на такси. Так как он пришел на станцию за десять минут до семи и боялся пропустить поезд, он поторопился к своему вагону. Когда он сел в поезд и нашел свой купе, он положил свой чемодан на багажную полку и сел читать журнал. Поезд ехал очень быстро. После того, как он проехал две или три остановки, пришел билетный контролер, чтобы собрать билеты. Мистер Смит не мог найти свой билет. Поскольку некоторые пассажиры сказали билетному контролеру, что мистер Смит - известный писатель, контролер сказал ему: "Все в порядке, сэр. Я знаю, у вас есть билет." "Но я должен его найти. Я должен знать, куда я иду," был ответ.
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