Заполните пропуски предлогами и иаречиямн, где это необ ходимо. 1.i can’t play the piano myself, but i’m fond going to concerts. i always enjoy them very much. 2. comra de petrov explained me that he was late classes because he had missed the seven o’clock train he usually took. 3. i’m afraid you won’t be able to catch the five o’clock train, and if you go the next one, you won’t be able to reach the place time. 4. “we’ve neither been the theatre, nor the cinema a long time. let’s go the theatre tonight, shall we? the way, do you know what’ maly theatre? ” “no, but it’s all the same me. i always enjoy everything there. it’s one the best theatres moscow.” 5. i’m always angry when people come the theatre after the lights have gone 6. when this actress appears the stage, the audience always greet her a storm applause. 7. i don’t want to see the play. i neither like the play itself nor the novel it’s taken 8. why is gleb late? he’s either missed the nine o’clock train or something really serious has happened him. 9. my son came leningrad yesterday. he said that the city had made an unforgettable impression him. 10. if i manage to finish my work time. i’ll be glad to join you. 11. if you go kiev business, take every opportunity to visit all the museums there. 12. when this actress plays the eliza, the theatre’s always packed. 13. the other day a man the street and asked me to give him a light. it was an old friend, and i was surprised that he hadn’t recognized me once.

germannesta germannesta    3   03.06.2019 03:50    6

studentka87 studentka87  01.10.2020 17:40
1. I can’t play the piano myself, but I’m fond OF going to concerts. I always enjoy them very much.
2. Comra de Petrov explained TO me that he was late FOR classes because he had missed the seven o’clock train he usually took.
3. I’m afraid you won’t be able to catch the five o’clock train, and if you go TO the next one, you won’t be able to reach the place ON time.
4. “We’ve neither been AT the theatre, nor IN the cinema FOR a long time. Let’s go TO the theatre tonight, shall we? BY the way, do you know what’s ON the Maly Theatre?” “No, but it’s all the same FOR me. I always enjoy everything there. It’s one OF the best theatres IN Moscow.”
5. I’m always angry when people come TO the theatre after the lights have gone DOWN
6. When this actress appears ON the stage, the audience always greet her WITH a storm OF applause.
7. I don’t want to see the play. I neither like the play itself nor the novel it’s taken FROM.
8. Why is Gleb late? He’s either missed the nine o’clock train or something really serious has happened WITH him.
9. My son came TO Leningrad yesterday. He said that the city had made an unforgettable impression ON him.
10. If I manage to finish my work IN time. I’ll be glad to join you.
11. If you go TO Kiev ON business, take every opportunity to visit all the museums there.
12. When this actress plays the part OF Eliza, the theatre’s always packed.
13. The other day a man came TO me ON the street and asked me to give him a light. It was an old friend, and I was surprised that he hadn’t recognized me AT once.
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