Заполните пропуски предлогами. 2. используйте предлоги: with, for, of, to. the other day mr.gray … [email protected] came … moscow to have talks … us. he phoned our secretary and made an appointment … us … the next day. 3.используйте предлоги: to, of, past,at. he came to see us half nine. we discussed a lot different questions. our terms payment and delivery were acceptable him.

Vileta0709 Vileta0709    1   29.05.2019 19:40    2

mgarkanov mgarkanov  01.10.2020 14:28
1. with
2. to
3. with
4. to
5. for
1. at
2. past
3. of
4. at
5. to
Kaisool Kaisool  01.10.2020 14:28
Come to Moscow
talks to us
an appointment to us for the next day

2)to see us at half of nine
a lot of different
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