Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу притяжательными местоимениями (mine, yours, ours, his, hers, theirs): 1. Is that your bike? - No is over there.
2. Is that white bike Mary's? - No, is pink.
3. Please give this book to Ann. It's .
4. Is this his watch? - Yes, it's .
5. We gave them our telephone number, and they gave us .
6. Is that our bus? - No, arrives in 20 minutes.
7. Is this my pen? - No, it's not . It's mine.
8. Is that your car in the driveway? - No, we parked in the street.
9. This isn't our son's skateboard. is in the car.

jeviduwel jeviduwel    2   23.01.2021 19:16    1

dan4ikqwerty dan4ikqwerty  22.02.2021 19:18

1. Is that your bike? - No __MINEis over there.

2. Is that white bike Mary's? - No, _HERSis pink.

3. Please give this book to Ann. It's ___HERS.

4. Is this his watch? - Yes, it's __HIS.

5. We gave them our telephone number, and they gave us __THEIRS.

6. Is that our bus? - No, ___OURSarrives in 20 minutes.

7. Is this my pen? - No, it's not ___YOURS. It's mine.

8. Is that your car in the driveway? - No, we parked __OURSin the street.

9. This isn't our son's skateboard. ___HIS is in the car.


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