Заполните пропуски, используя слова: refused, separate, incredible, identical, similarities, capable, double, gemini, twinned, siamese twins 1)he was … of stealing. 2)that evening she … to see him. 3)when did you … from your husband? 4)i have a sister, … with me. 5)she is the … of her mother as a girl. 6)his hat is … to mine. 7)there are many … between the inhabitants of europe and north america. 9)it was … that nobody paid attention to the new invention. 10)they spend so many time with each other as … . 11) another name of the zodiacal sign ’the twins’ is … .

DEGoP DEGoP    1   27.08.2019 13:00    1

Serebrennikova217 Serebrennikova217  05.10.2020 22:47

1. capable

2. refused

3. separated

4. twinned

5. double

6. identical

7. similarities

8. -

9. incredible

10. Seamese twins

11. Gemini

124541Artem11111 124541Artem11111  05.10.2020 22:47
1. capable.
2. refused.
3. separate.
4. twinned.
5. double.
6. identical. 
7. similarities.
9. incredible.
10. Siamese twins.
11. Gemini. 
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