Заполните пропуски глаголом to have, употребляя соответствующую форму настоящего времени. напишите предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопрос) и отрицательной формах: 1) she . . one sister and two brothers. 2) we a large library at school. 3).they a new car. 4) she . green eyes. 5) helen a headache. 6) the secretary . . a new typewriter» 7) mr. smith's office .. three large windows. 8)we . . many friends in moscow. 9) both brothers red hair. l0) harry's dog . a long tail. 11) he and i many things in common.

DikONd DikONd    3   27.08.2019 09:20    11

Мирэя Мирэя  05.10.2020 22:34
2. have
3. have
4. has
5. has
6. has
7. has
8. have
9. have
10. has
11. have
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