Заполните пропуски данными в скобках глаголами в соответствующей форме настоящего и будущего времени страдательного залога Simple:
1. In all free markets, price by supply and demand (to determine).
2. This African country still by a military dictatorship (to run).
3. Olympic host cities by the Olympic Committee (to choose).
4. What currency at Dubai airport (to accept)?
5. If an engagement , does the former bride-to-be get to keep the ring, or must she return it to her former fiancé ( to break)?
6. What to happen next year (to predict)?
7. Our college mate at a job in Florida at 42.5 hours per week (to hire).
8. Early Christians by Roman authorities in the 2nd century AD (to persecute).
9. Even today, no one knows how many Jewish children during the World War II (to hide).
10. From the moment we walked into the Nile Palace, we with its beauty (to impress).
11. The lawyer who perished in the 2009 quake for winning cases with his sharp wit and extensive knowledge of the law (to know).
12. The presentation of MTV Music Awards Ceremony held in England live over the Internet next Friday (to broadcast).
13. All our orders except one next Thursday (to deliver).
14. Where the 2018 Olympics (to hold)?
15. How many sports d d in the 2018 Olympics (to include)?

даша5501 даша5501    2   25.05.2020 11:25    11

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