Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо. 1. i came holiday-home 5th of july. it was past ten. it was morning was shining and it was very warm. some holiday-makers were breakfast, other holiday-makers were already beach. some people were sunbathing, other people were sitting sunshade. all of them were good time. i decided not to spend very much time beach first day. i swam sea quarter of and then went for . 2. my friend was born small town volga. 3. yesterday we received five letters foreign firms. but i see only two of them now. where are letters? 4. have you got for this film? yes, i have. 5. secretary director factory tomorrow morning. 6. my wife fortnight crimea. she very good time there. 7. we don't like this standard lamp. can you give other standard lamp? 8. what' news? is good. 9. let's listen seven o'clock news radio. 10. don't children go river. it's cold today.

VanyaKiba VanyaKiba    3   22.06.2019 03:10    33

satvika61 satvika61  17.07.2020 12:50
a wonderful morning
the sun was
the other holiday-makers
the beach
the sunshade
a good time
the beach
the first day
the sea
a quarter of an hour
a walk
a small town
the other letters
the tickets
the secretary
the director
the factory
a fortnight
a very good time
the other
the news
the news is good
the 7 o'clock news
the radio
the children
the river
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