Заполните пропуски. 1)my friends lives second floor cosy flat. there rooms there: is warm. 2) will you,please, put the ? 3)there is a kitchen right of the hall. 4)you can see a table windows and 3 bookshelves wall/

katya200513 katya200513    1   18.06.2019 15:10    1

Хачачуля Хачачуля  15.07.2020 08:07
1)my friends lives on second floor in...a. cosy flat. There arethree rooms there:.a...stady and..a..bedroom,.the...flat is warm.
2) Will you,please, put the plates..a..table?
3)There is a kitchen .is..the right of the hall.
4)you can see a table ...the windows and 3 bookshelves on...the wall/
Alina22511 Alina22511  15.07.2020 08:07
1. the, a. -, a, a, the
2. on the
3. on
4. by, by