Заполните по смыслу пропуски данными глаголами в Infinitive в функции подлежащего, прямого дополнения и составной части именного сказуемого. И переведите получившиеся предложения.

to give / to take / to discuss / to enter / to keep / to shout / to translate / to think / to say / to wash / to eat / to sell / to buy / to inform / to love / to join / to answer / to have

1. [. . . ] and [. . . ] are different things.
2. [. . . ] a lot is not good for health.
3. [. . . ] secrets of each other was our old agreement.
4. [. . . ] children is absolutely natural.
5. it is better first [. . . ] and then [. . . ].
6. it is not nice [. . . ] at anybody.
7. it is important [. . . ] this matter today.
8. it is necessary [. . . ] this letter immediately.
9. i don't like [. . . ] anybody of any trouble.
10. my brother forgot [. . . ] hands before dinner.
11. my father told me [. . . ] him in his work.
12. we decided [. . . ] a rest in the mountains next simmer.
13. who helped you [. . . ] this article?
14. my friend's idea is [. . . ] his car and [. . . ] a new one.
15. my mother's advice was [. . . ] the university in a year.

shmklevdima shmklevdima    2   23.04.2020 10:53    151

тёма113435 тёма113435  18.01.2024 09:38
1. To give and to take are different things. (Давать и брать - это разные вещи.)
2. To eat a lot is not good for health. (Много есть - не хорошо для здоровья.)
3. To keep secrets of each other was our old agreement. (Хранить тайны друг друга было нашим старым соглашением.)
4. To have children is absolutely natural. (Иметь детей - совершенно естественно.)
5. It is better first to think and then to say. (Лучше сначала подумать, а потом сказать.)
6. It is not nice to shout at anybody. (Не красиво кричать на кого-либо.)
7. It is important to discuss this matter today. (Важно обсудить этот вопрос сегодня.)
8. It is necessary to write this letter immediately. (Необходимо написать это письмо немедленно.)
9. I don't like to give anybody of any trouble. (Мне не нравится причинять беспокойство кому-либо.)
10. My brother forgot to wash his hands before dinner. (Мой брат забыл вымыть руки перед ужином.)
11. My father told me to help him in his work. (Мой отец сказал мне помочь ему в его работе.)
12. We decided to have a rest in the mountains next summer. (Мы решили отдохнуть в горах следующим летом.)
13. Who helped you to translate this article? (Кто помог вам перевести эту статью?)
14. My friend's idea is to sell his car and to buy a new one. (Идея моего друга - продать свою машину и купить новую.)
15. My mother's advice was to enter the university in a year. (Совет моей мамы - поступить в университет через год.)
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