Заполните каждый пропуск одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. 1. I was surprised when Jean told me yesterday ... she and Mark loved ... other and were going to get married. I have always thought that Mark is ... selfish that he only loves .. .
2. Today a great amount of personal and business communication ... place by telephone and fax machine. It's usually quite easy to make a call to someone right on the other side of the world because ... days most long-distance calls travel via satellite. Fifty years ago, however, it sometimes took the operator a very long ... to make a connection.
3. How do you react when you look at … in the mirror? Do you smile or do you feel … crying? Body image has become … an important issue in our society that many young women and teenage girls go on dangerous diets trying to copy their favourite celebrities. They forget that individuality is … makes them special.
4. My life is very different from that of my grandparents' generation. Some things are better today and ... things are worse. For example, my grandparents didn't have to live with pollution. They could breathe clean ... when they walked in the streets. Also, ... was less crime in those days. My grandparents didn't have to worry about being burgled in the same way ... we worry today.
5. ... of the most interesting things to see in Brazil is the place ... two rivers meet but do not mix. They are the "white” Solimoes River and the "black” Negro River. They flow next to ... other for six kilometres in the Amazonas State, but the colours of the water don’t mix because of different temperatures and speed — the Solimoes River is faster and cooler ... the Negro River.
6. I work in a call center, which means I’m constantly on the phone. Apart from lunch and two short breaks during the day I’m speaking to people … day long. And of …, you never get to see who you’re speaking to! The breaks are … short that there’s no time to do anything other than get a drink and something to eat. I’d love to be able to go for a walk but … is nowhere to escape to within easy walking distance.
7. ... is sometimes said that animals use language. Certainly some animal species have developed amazingly sophisticated ways of communicating with ... another. But ... are huge differences between the ways animals communicate and the ways human beings do. When animals make a sound, such as a bark or a call, it is in reaction to ... is happening around them.

kolesya2 kolesya2    2   30.03.2021 11:39    12

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