Заполните каждое второе предложение так, чтобы значение было похоже на первое предложение. напишите свои ответы в каждом пробеле.
complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence. write your answers in each gap.

example 0.

my father said i could use his car.

answer 0.

my father allowed me to use his car.

my brother said i should not answer any questions

my brother

Radmula Radmula    1   26.10.2019 19:23    0

Tomi200 Tomi200  26.10.2019 21:03


complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. write between two and five words in each gap. 

1 )what's the price of the tickets, jimmy?   how much are the tickets,   jimmy?  

2 )are these your trainers? do these trainers belong to  you?  

3) sasha's not keen on team sports at all.   sasha doesn't like  team sports at all. 

4) it's only her second time in a recording studio. she has only  been to a recording studio twice. 

5) we got here three hours ago. we have been here before. 

6 )i started writing this hours ago and it's still not right. i have been writing this for  hours and it's still not right. 

7 )this is my first experience of flying alone, it is the first time that i have flown  alone. 

8 )sharon's in the bath at the moment. sharon is having a bath  at the moment. 

9 )paul enjoys surprises apart from on his birthday.   paul does surprises just not on his birthday!

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