Заполнить пропуски словами по смыслу. 1. there are seven in a week. 2. the day of the week is sunday. 3. is the second day of the week. 4. six is a of twenty four. 5. there are twelve in a year. 6. spring, , autumn and are the four seasons. 7. january is the month of the . 8. july is, in england, one of the months. 9. today is thursday, was wednesday, and will be friday.

gaglovev2001 gaglovev2001    3   24.03.2019 15:33    0

mlizim mlizim  26.05.2020 16:45

Довольно легкое задание

Заполнить пропуски словами по смыслу. 1. there are seven in a week. 2. the day of the week is sunday
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