Заполни пропуски в рассказе в past simple.послушай и проверь себя.sit • sleep. go. eat wake up come • run runa cat ran after a mouse. the under an armchair. the on the armchair and waited. the the after the mouse again! ​

darows darows    1   16.04.2019 19:48    103

НастяМалюга1 НастяМалюга1  10.01.2024 11:20
Once upon a time, a cat ____ (run) after a mouse. The mouse quickly ____ (hide) under an armchair. The cat ____ (jump) on the armchair and ____ (wait). Suddenly, the mouse ____ (come) out from its hiding place and ____ (run) away. The cat ____ (chase) after the mouse again!"

Перевод: Когда-то давно кошка побежала за мышью. Мышь быстро спряталась под креслом. Кошка прыгнула на кресло и подождала. Внезапно мышь вышла из своего убежища и убежала. Кошка снова побежала за мышью!

- The verb "ran" is used to describe the cat's action of running after the mouse in the past.
- The verb "hid" is used to describe the mouse's action of hiding under the armchair in the past.
- The verb "jumped" is used to describe the cat's action of jumping on the armchair in the past.
- The verb "waited" is used to describe the cat's action of waiting on the armchair in the past.
- The verb "came" is used to describe the mouse's action of coming out from its hiding place in the past.
- The verb "ran" is used to describe the mouse's action of running away in the past.
- The verb "chased" is used to describe the cat's action of chasing after the mouse again in the past.
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