Заполни пропуски в предложениях, используя to, где необходимо.1.joe likes to read english books. he can read in english very well. i can read english books too. 2. harry has a new car. he can drive very well. he likes drive a lot. 3. mr green has a small house by the lake. he likes sit and fish by the lake. he can fish, but not very well. 4.mary and don can ski very well. they like ski in the morning. i can ski too.

денил55 денил55    2   27.07.2019 01:20    18

ga77 ga77  19.08.2020 17:52
To ставь в 4,5,8 и впринципе все
sestrichkitv sestrichkitv  19.08.2020 17:52
He likes .to... drive a lot.
He likes .to... sit and fish by the lake. 
They like to ski in the morning
Can - модальный глагол, после него to не ставится
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