Заполни пропуски союзами and, but, so, because и словами из упражнения 14 в правильной форме. 1.If you are fond of poetry and like to watch the countryside with its forty shades of green,you should visit Isle.
2.The Irish is best summed up in the old Irish proverb "A stranger is a friend you have yet to meet".
3.It's better to get there by plane it's quicker.
4.Dublin is a young city, with 50% of its under the age of 27, at the same time it's old as there are many landmarks of the past here:churches and castle,squares townhouses.
5.She is interested in literature, she is going to visit the Dublin Writers Museum to see personal items belonging to Oscar Wilde.
6.Many new houses been built in Dublin over the last , it's center has changed.
7.Dublin ___ ___ more than a thousand years ago, looks modern with its stunning new street architecture.
8.The Dublin Writers Museum's collection three hundred years of books,letters,personal items portraits, it's the first place to visit if you like literature.​

Заполни пропуски союзами and, but, so, because и словами из упражнения 14 в правильной форме. 1.If y

Stasonka Stasonka    3   20.01.2021 17:02    368

1. If you are fond of poetry and like to watch the countryside with its forty shades of green, you should visit the Isle and Dublin because they offer breathtaking natural beauty and a rich literary history.

2. The Irish is best summed up in the old Irish proverb "A stranger is a friend you have yet to meet," so it emphasizes the welcoming nature of the Irish people.

3. It's better to get there by plane because it's quicker and more convenient than other modes of transportation.

4. Dublin is a young city, with 50% of its population under the age of 27, but it's also an old city with many landmarks of the past, such as churches, castles, and townhouses. So, it combines both modernity and history.

5. She is interested in literature, so she is going to visit the Dublin Writers Museum to see personal items belonging to Oscar Wilde and other famous writers.

6. Many new houses have been built in Dublin over the last few years, but its center has changed to accommodate the growing population and modernization.

7. Dublin, which was established more than a thousand years ago, looks modern with its stunning new street architecture, so it beautifully blends the old and the new.

8. The Dublin Writers Museum's collection includes three hundred years of books, letters, personal items, and portraits. It's the first place to visit if you like literature and want to explore the rich literary heritage of Dublin.
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