Заполни пропуски: have to,don't have to,has to,doesn't have to 1. we go to school every day, but to school on sunday. 2. my brother and breakfast. our mum makes it. 3. mum shopping. dad goes shopping twice a week. 4. wash our car at weekends. 5. to work.she walks. 6. a school uniform. it's dark blue.

abdulkhanaknie abdulkhanaknie    1   18.08.2019 21:30    19

сhevapchichi0 сhevapchichi0  05.10.2020 03:40
1. We have to go to school every day, but we don't have to go to school on Sunday. 2. My brother and I don't have to make breakfast. Our mum makes it. 3. Mum doesn't have to go shopping. Dad goes shopping twice a week. 4. Dad has to wash our car at weekends. 5. Mum does't have to drive to work.She walks. 6. We have to wear a school uniform. It's dark blue.
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