Запишите в косвенной речи
1. I’m going to the park with my brother tomorrow,” Paul said.
2. Kim said, “I didn’t see David”.
3. Amy said, “I haven’t written the message yet”.
4. My friend asked me, “Do you live with your parents?”
5. I asked him, “Was it very hard to find your room?”
6. “Please don’t tell Sarah,” she asked me.

Yarik176 Yarik176    1   06.05.2020 15:17    8

andriyzhovniryk andriyzhovniryk  14.10.2020 08:43

ответ:1) Paul said (that) he was going to the park with his brother next day.

2) Kim said (that) she hadn't seen David

3) Amy said (that) she hadn't written the message yet

4) My friend asked me whether I lived with my parents

5) I asked him if it had been too hard to find his room

6) She asked me not to tell Sara

Объяснение: В reported speech ми змінюємо час цитати, наприклад Past Simple i Present Perfect на Past Perfect. Не забуваємо змінювати займенники та обставини часу. Дуже хороше пояснення з тестами тут: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/reported-speech.html

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