Запишите предложения в Zero Conditional – общепринятые факты и утверждения, законы природы.
If/when Present Simple (+V1/Vs, es; -don’t/doesn’t V1), Present Simple.
When people sleep, they dream.
First Conditional – действия и ситуации, которые могут произойти в будущем.
If Present Simple, Future Simple (will V1/will not=won’t V1).
If the weather is fine, we will go to the country at the weekend.
Zero conditional
If I (to be) thirsty, I always (to drink) fresh water.
If I (to have) a headache, my mother usually (to give) me some medicine.
First conditional
Our teacher (to be) happy if we (to answer) all the questions correctly.
I (to be) very angry with Nick if he (to forget) my CD again.

андряков1103 андряков1103    3   15.05.2020 11:35    3

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