Запишите полный предложения на эту упр и поставте правильно все слово

Запишите полный предложения на эту упр и поставте правильно все слово

IHannahI IHannahI    1   13.11.2020 17:29    13

skripalevadiana skripalevadiana  13.12.2020 17:32

Monday is the first day of the week.

Tuesday is the second day of the week.

Wednesday is the third day of the week.

Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

Friday is the fifth day of the week.

Saturday is the sixth day of the week.

Sunday is the seventh day of the week.


MaryGaloyan MaryGaloyan  13.12.2020 17:32

Tuesday is the second day of the week

Wednesday is the third day of the week

Thursday is the fourth day of the week

Friday is the fifth day of the week

Saturday is the sixth day of the week

Sunday is the seventh day of the week


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