Запиши повністю речення, постав дієслова у дужках в потрібну форму, де потрібно, постав кому 1. If it(snow) people(wear)warm clothes.
2. If a friend (tell) me a secret I always ___ (keep) it.
3. If it___(rain) she always (take) an umbrella.
4. If you (heat) water it (boil).
5. If you (run) fast you (get) tired.
6. You ___ (pass) the exams іf you ___ study hard
7. I ___ (feel) good the next day if I (go) to bed early.
8. My daughter ___ (pass) her exams if she ___ (work) hard.
9. The river ___(freeze) if it ___ (be) very cold.
10. I ___ (cycle) to work if the weather ___(be) fine.