Замените придаточные предложения герундием с предлогом of. ОБРАЗЕЦ. She thought she would go to the country for the weekend. — She thought of going to the country for the weekend.

I thought I would come and see you tomorrow.
I thought I would go on an excursion but the weather was very bad.
He is thinking he will learn two foreign languages in future.
I am thinking I will buy some books on geography.
My grandparents are thinking that they will grow roses this year.​

BANDI8764886 BANDI8764886    2   18.06.2021 03:28    23

Ele4ka17 Ele4ka17  18.06.2021 06:00

I thought of coming and seeing you tomorrow.

I thought of going on an excursion but the weather was very bad.

He is thinking of learning two foreign languages in future.

I am thinking of buying some books on geography.

My grandparents are thinking of growing roses this year.​

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