Замените отрицательные предложения с местоимениями many и much на утвердительные предложения с выражением a lot of: e.g. this boy doesn't have many computer games. - you are not right. this boy has a lot of computer games. 1. my colleague doesn't have much work this week. 2. this man doesn't have much money. 3. this girl doesn't sing many songs. 4. these programmers don't spend much time at the office. 5. usually they don't have many sandwiches for lunch. 6. usually they don't have much cola for lunch. 7. these students don't ask many questions after classes. 8. our secretary doesn't like much sugar in her coffee. 9. this boy doesn't kke to read many books. 10. not many children stay at home alone

Alena201859 Alena201859    3   29.07.2019 10:40    23

alenzhaparkulov alenzhaparkulov  31.07.2020 22:20
1. My colleague has had ( или просто has) a lot of  work this week. 2. This man has a lot of money. 3. This girl sings a lot of songs. 4. These programmers spends a lot of  time at the office. 5. Usually they  have a lot of sandwiches for lunch. 6. Usually they have a lot of Cola for lunch. 7. These students ask a lot of questions after classes. 8. Our secretary likes a lot of  sugar in her coffee. 9. This boy likes to read a lot of  books. 10. a lot of  children stay at home alone
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