Заменить подчеркнутые слова местоимениями : ask (mum and dad) for the money; pack (your things); buy (a ticket) to russia; talk to (the parents) about your plans; phone (your pen friend); ask (rosy) for her russian dictionary; get (a visa to russia); say thanks to (your brother); call (your family) every day; bring (your brother) a book about moscow; buy nice presents for (the inins); listen to (your big and clever brother)

Samal0 Samal0    1   15.06.2019 10:50    6

rama13534 rama13534  12.07.2020 15:56
Ask them for the money, pack it, buy it to Russia, talk to them about your plans, phone him/her, ask her for the Russian dectionary, get it, say thanks to him, call them every day, bring him a book about Moscow, buy niece presents for it, listen to him.
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