Закончите предложения, выбрав подходящий вариант ответа из предложений (1-3). запишите в поле ответа одну цифру, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. 1. he teaches maths as school now, he university three years ago. 1) graduated from 2) graduated 3) finished 2. the cathedral was built a famous architect. 1) with 2) by 3) to 3. is this dress made wool or cotton? 1) with 2) of 3) from 4. when did you to swim so well? 1) teach 2) study 3) learn 5. hello, mary! you look today! 1) so wonderful 2) such wonderful 3) quite wonderfully 6. i never any important work till tomorrow. 1) put out 2) put off 3) put down

Summerween Summerween    1   07.05.2019 23:23    15

putnikputen putnikputen  30.09.2020 17:09

1) 3;

2) 2;

3) 1;

4) 2;

5) 1;

6) 1;

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