Закончите предложения, выбрав нужную форму местоимений. 1) john takes (his / him) dog out in the morning. 2) john and sally like (they/their) house in green street. 3) i can see the barkers: (they/their) are in (them/their) garden. 4) john likes computers. show (him/his) (you/your) new computer, please. 5) children! where are (you/your)? i can’t see (you/your). 6) john! can you help (us/our), please? 7) sally has two pets. (she/her) pets are at home now. 8) daddy! can (i/me) go to the cinema? please take (i/me) to the cinema.

Damirkair2003 Damirkair2003    1   20.06.2019 04:20    2

Tupayagirl1 Tupayagirl1  16.07.2020 08:29
1) John takes his dog out in the morning.
2) John and Sally like their house in Green Street.
3) I can see the Barkers: they are in their garden.
4) John likes computers. Show him your new computer, please.
5) Children! Where are you? I can’t see you
6) John! Can you help us please?
7) Sally has two pets. her pets are at home now.
8) Daddy! Can I go to the cinema? Please take me to the cinema.
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