Закончите предложение, используя выражение to be able to в настоящем или будущем времени: пример: 1. (he | to meet us the station) he was very busy but he was able to meet us at the station. 2. ( she | to understand them) it was difficult. but she 3. (they | to find the house) it took them a long time. but they 4. (i | to walk again) when the doctor takes the plaster off my leg, i 5. (she | to go to school in a few days) our daughter can't go to school now days, she has caught cold. but she 6. (i | to go for a walk soon) i'm busy now. but i 7. (i | already | to speak to an englishman) i know english only a little. but i 8. ( i | not | to eat at the new chinese restaurant | yet) i , but i would love to. умоляю : с