Задай четыре типа вопроса к предложениям: 1. Good results gave him hope for the future.
2. Henry Ford produced the first cheap car in 1908.

jansayabektasova jansayabektasova    1   25.03.2022 18:38    3

DillonVIP DillonVIP  25.03.2022 18:40
1. Good results gave him hope for the future.
• общий вопрос: Did good results give him hope for the future?
• вопрос к подлежащему: What gave him hope for the future?
• tag-question (хвостатый вопрос): Good results gave him hope for the future, didn’t they?
• специальный вопрос: What did good results give him?
• альтернативный вопрос: Did good or bad results give him hope for the future?

2. Henry Ford produced the first cheap car in 1908.
• общий вопрос: Did Henry Ford produce the first cheap car in 1908?
• вопрос к подлежащему: Who produced the first cheap car in 1908?
•tag-question (хвостатый вопрос): Henry Ford produced the first cheap car in 1908, didn’t he?
• специальный вопрос: When did Henry Ford produce the first cheap car?
• альтернативный вопрос: Did Henry Ford produce the first cheap or expensive car in 1908?
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