Задать вопросы к предложению: john is playing football on the sportsground now. вопросы: общий, специальный, к подлежащиму, разделительный ( два вопроса), альтернативный, отрицание.

Ffaafafa Ffaafafa    2   23.06.2019 05:20    2

Vanya2155 Vanya2155  19.07.2020 07:22
Is John playing football on the sportsground now?
Who is playing football on the sportsground now?
What is John doing?
Where is John playing football now?
Isn't John playing football on the sportsground now?
How is John playing football now?
Why is John playing football on the sportsground now?
AliKsandraSm AliKsandraSm  19.07.2020 07:22
1) Is John playing football on the sports ground now? - общий положительный 2) Is Mike playing football on the sports ground now? - общий отрицательный 3) Is John or Mike playing football on the sports ground now? - альтернативный 4) John is playing football on the sports ground now, isn't he? - разделительный положительный 5) John isn't playing football on the sports ground now, is he? - разделительный отрицательный 6) Who playing football on the sports ground now? - специальный к подлежащему (поэтому вс глагол не требуется!) 7) What is John doing on the sports ground now? - специальный к сказуемому 8) What game is John playing on the sports ground now? - специальный к дополнению 9) Where is John playing football now? - специальный к обстоятельству места 10) When is John playing football on the sports ground? - специальный к обстоятельству времени
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