Задать вопросы к предложениям) 1.there are many interesting and useful professions-к нему общий вопрос 2.i like to read books and articles on economics and bookkeeping- к нему специальный 3.an economist calculates the costs and possible profits of an organization analyses the condition of the market and so on -к нему альтернативный 4.it is very important for an economist to know at least one foreign language, especially english-к нему разделительный 5.there is a great demand for the well-educated economists in the labour market-а от этого предложения вопрос к подлежащему.

Саня200763 Саня200763    1   09.06.2019 04:40    2

inferatu777 inferatu777  08.07.2020 01:37
1 Are there many interesting
2 What books do you like to read?
3 Does an economist calculate the costs and possible profits of an organization or translate the articles in the foreign magazines?
4 it is very important for an economist to know at least one foreign language, especially english, isn't it?
5 Who is in great demand in the labour market?
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