Задание .Underline the verb in the Passive form, define its form (Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive). 1. What is called stone masonry?
2. White and black marbles will be used here for ornamental decoration.
3. Marble is the nicest building material, the beauty of the marble is shown to its best advantage .
4. Why are many sandstones selected for steps?
5. This famous medieval building of early fifteenth century was erected of stone

grxrtxdfdr grxrtxdfdr    3   09.06.2020 06:20    5

olyaolya22 olyaolya22  13.08.2020 11:59

1 is called -- Present Simple Passive

2 will be used-- Future Simple Passive

3 is shown-- Present Simple Passive

4 are selected-- Present Simple Passive

5 was erected-- Past Simple Passive

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