Задание по теме совершенное время (Past Perfect). Закончите следующие предложения.

1. They went for a walk after ...
2. Before I went through the mail ...
3. The firm signed a contract with us after ...
4. Before we left the firm know our answer we ...
5. When I came back from the lesson the director of the office ...
6.Before we made an appointment with the businessmen we ...
7. The sellers accepted our terms after ...
8. Before we contrected the firm we ...
9. We shipped the goods after ...
10. Before we discussed the price for the goods we ...

SashaKromberg SashaKromberg    1   28.01.2022 08:12    121

kanevskiygabe kanevskiygabe  22.01.2024 11:15
1. They went for a walk after they had finished their homework. (Они пошли на прогулку после того, как они закончили свою работу).
Explanation: The action of going for a walk happened after the completion of another action, which is finishing their homework. By using Past Perfect, we indicate that the action of finishing the homework happened before the action of going for a walk.

2. Before I went through the mail, I had already checked my email. (Перед тем, как я просмотрел почту, я уже проверил свою электронную почту).
Explanation: In this case, the action of checking the email happened before the action of going through the mail. By using Past Perfect, we show that the action of checking the email was completed before the action of going through the mail.

3. The firm signed a contract with us after we had presented our proposal. (Фирма подписала с нами контракт после того, как мы представили наше предложение).
Explanation: The action of presenting the proposal happened before the action of signing the contract. By using Past Perfect, we indicate that the action of presenting the proposal was completed before the action of signing the contract.

4. Before we left, we had let the firm know our answer. (Перед тем, как мы ушли, мы сообщили фирме наш ответ).
Explanation: The action of letting the firm know our answer happened before the action of leaving. By using Past Perfect, we show that the action of letting the firm know our answer was completed before the action of leaving.

5. When I came back from the lesson, the director of the office had already left. (Когда я вернулся с урока, директор офиса уже ушел).
Explanation: The action of the director leaving happened before the action of me coming back from the lesson. By using Past Perfect, we indicate that the action of the director leaving was completed before the action of me coming back.

6. Before we made an appointment with the businessmen, we had prepared a presentation. (Перед тем, как мы назначили встречу с бизнесменами, мы подготовили презентацию).
Explanation: The action of preparing the presentation happened before the action of making an appointment. By using Past Perfect, we show that the action of preparing the presentation was completed before the action of making an appointment.

7. The sellers accepted our terms after we had negotiated the price. (Продавцы приняли наши условия после того, как мы договорились о цене).
Explanation: The action of negotiating the price happened before the action of the sellers accepting our terms. By using Past Perfect, we indicate that the action of negotiating the price was completed before the action of the sellers accepting our terms.

8. Before we contracted the firm, we had reviewed their previous work. (Перед тем, как мы заключили контракт с фирмой, мы просмотрели их предыдущую работу).
Explanation: The action of reviewing their previous work happened before the action of contracting the firm. By using Past Perfect, we show that the action of reviewing their previous work was completed before the action of contracting the firm.

9. We shipped the goods after we had received the payment. (Мы отгрузили товары после того, как получили оплату).
Explanation: The action of receiving the payment happened before the action of shipping the goods. By using Past Perfect, we indicate that the action of receiving the payment was completed before the action of shipping the goods.

10. Before we discussed the price for the goods, we had examined the quality. (Перед тем, как мы обсудили цену на товары, мы изучили их качество).
Explanation: The action of examining the quality happened before the action of discussing the price for the goods. By using Past Perfect, we show that the action of examining the quality was completed before the action of discussing the price for the goods.
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