Задание 6. Прочитай диалог и заполни пропуски в предложениях, используя was, wasn’t, were или weren’t. Ann: you at home yesterday?

Tom: No, I . I at the circus!

Ann: Who with you?

Tom: Alex, my big brother.

Ann: there many animals at the circus?

Tom: No, they . They cats, dogs and horses.

Ann: it interesting?

Tom: Yes, it . There a really funny show on.

Ann: there clowns and dancers?

Tom: Yes, they . They nice

viktoriavasili viktoriavasili    1   22.02.2022 10:28    6

Katykpoper Katykpoper  22.02.2022 10:30

Ann: Were you at home yesterday?

Tom: No, I wasn't. I was at the circus!

Ann: Who was with you?

Tom: Alex, my big brother.

Ann: Were there many animals at the circus?

Tom: No, they weren't. They were cats, dogs and horses.

Ann: Was it interesting?

Tom: Yes, it wad. There was a really funny show on.

Ann: Were there clowns and dancers?

Tom: Yes, they were. They were nice

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