Задание 3. Вставьте в пропуски артикль, если он нужен.

Do you like dogs? 2. We met businessman yesterday. 3. Did you like movie I gave you? 4. It's easy to get taxis downtown. 5. I love book I'm reading right now. 6. I like books. 7. Can you take this to boss? 8. She has easy job. 9 He had good meal at that restaurant last week. 10. Her boyfriend is nice guy. 11. He passes every exam. He's intelligent guy. 12. phone is ringing! Can you answer it? 13. When I was travelling in Mexico, I met woman from Brazil. 14. He spends a lot of time playing video games. 15. What's time? 16. Did you watch news last night on TV? 17. alcohol isn't good for your health if you drink too much. 18. I've got old car. 19. fast food restaurants are really common here. 19. He has great job. 20. What time do you go to school? 21. Both cities are on Pacific Ocean. 22. I have few friends in the States. 23. It costs hundred dollars. 24. It's biggest mall in the city. 25. She's lawyer I told you about.

ayatyusubova1 ayatyusubova1    2   29.03.2020 20:10    18

Котоман228 Котоман228  12.10.2020 08:42

1. -

2. a

3. the

4. the

5. the

6. -

7. the

8. the

9. a

10. a

11. an

12. the

13. a

14. -

15. -

16.  the


18. an

19. a

20. the

21. the

22. a

23. -

24. the

25. the


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