Задание 3. Расставьте правильно слова в предложении 1. Oh, that little green budgie! It me up every early morning.
2. We have a tradition since our University years: every Sunday we go ___ and buy food for poor people from our local Charity Hospital.
3. If you want to have healthy white smile you have to ___ your teeth twice a day and visit your dentist once a year. But who visits them so often?
4. My day was so stressful. I`m waiting forward to a hot foamy bubbles. I can relax only when I .
5. I even haven`t got a TV set! So I don`t , indeed!
6. They presented me a dog for my birthday yesterday. But I have no time to ! I`m 50 –years old successful businessman. Why didn`t they ask me first?
7. - Mum, can I watch my lovely cartoon? – Do your first and then you can watch it!