Задание 2. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие грамматические обороты: 1) объективный инфинитивный оборот
(сложное дополнение) – 2 абзац;
2) субъективный инфинитивный оборот
(сложное подлежащие) – 1, 2, 3 абзацы;
3) Независимый причастный оборот – 1 абзац.
1. All substances have some ability to transmit electrons but they differ greatly in the ease with which electrons pass through them. For instance, a copper wire conducts electricity readily, glass conducts so little current that it is hardly measurable. Substances through which currents easily pass are known to be conductors. Substances strongly resisting the flow of current, we call them insulators. An insulator is also called a dielectric. It has very few free charges that are able to move under the influence of the electric field.
2. Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity but we consider silver to be the best conductor of all. Copper comes next, it is followed by aluminum. Copper is our commonly used conductor. Some liquids also conduct electric currents. They even prove to be good conductors of electricity. Most gases conduct current under proper conditions of pressure and temperature. However, they are not as good electrical conductors as metals.
3. The most common materials used to resist electric flow are: glass, rubber, porcelain, paper, oil, cotton and silk. No ionized clean air is also considered to be a good insulator. It is often used for this purpose in electrical apparatus.

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