ЗАДАНИЕ № 2: Вставьте в предложение подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол: must, mustn’t, have to, can, can’t, may, should, needn’t.

1.You do the washing up, I’ll do it later.
2.Sorry, I understand you. I don’t speak Russian.
3.You drive a car without a seat belt.
4. I stay here with you today?
5.Cheetah run very fast.
6.Children go to bed earlier than adults.
7.They gat the agreement from their boss before starting the project.
8.You pay more attention to your studying.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 3: The Present Simple tense.
a)Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму:
1.Kate ___ (to arrive) home from work at about seven every evening.
2.I ___ (to sleep) eight hours every night.
3.Jet engines ___ (to make) a lot of noise.
4.The news ___ (to shock) everybody in the house.
Напишите каждое предложение в отрицательной форме и во форме.

vladvoroxov vladvoroxov    2   02.05.2020 11:49    8

Kvasya07 Kvasya07  14.10.2020 05:58

1. needn't

2. can't

3. mustn't

4. may

5. can

6. must

7. have to

8. should

1. arrives

2. sleep

3. makes

4. shock

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