Задание 2. ответьте на во по тексту :

1. Why does the UK enjoy warmer winters and cooler summers than other countries at the same latitude?

2 How wide is the Strait of Dover?

3. What is the coldest month in the United Kingdom?

4. How much food do farms produce?

5. Is Britain notorious for its fogs or sunny days?

6. The UK is often referred to as Great Britain, isn't it?

Задание 4. Замените слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами .

1. The UK is known as а _ (производитель) and exporter of machinery.

2. It is an _ (островное) state.

3. July is the _ (самый тёплый) month.

4. The UK _ (известен) as an exporter of electronics.

5. The Strait of Dover _ (отделяет) it from France.

6. There is much rain and _ (туман) in England.

орпавераопрпираоарат орпавераопрпираоарат    2   21.04.2020 11:52    14

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